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- Small class numbers, ensuring individual attention is given to all (up to 6 dogs per class)

- Improve communication between you and your dog

- Train calmness and increase your dog's focus on you, even with distractions

- Reward based training (including treats, toys, praise, and natural reinforcers, like sniffing)

- Purpose built training centre

- Indoor space and outdoor space for training

- Classes run by experienced trainers


Please Note: Unfortunately reactive dogs are not permitted in the classes.


If you have a reactive or nervous dog, we would love to help you with some private training sessions first.


Please contact us on 07801720377 for more information.

Training Classes

Cute Puppy
6 Week Puppy Course (£135)


If you attend puppy classes at Shropshire Dog Training Centre you will be given the tools to train a well-adjusted dog, more focussed on you and under control.

​In this 6 week puppy course we cover:


Basic obedience positions (sit, down, stand)


Leave It

Loose-lead walking/heelwork


Focus on owner (with distractions)


How to stop unwanted chewing

How to stop jumping up

How to stop mouthing/play biting


The next puppy start dates are:


Saturday 11th January at 11am


Saturday 1st February at 10am


Teenage Course (£135)


In this 6 week course for any dogs over 6 months old, we cover:


Sit and stay


Loose-lead walking and "heel"

"Leave it"

Focus on handler around distractions

Socialisation with other dogs

Improve communication between you and your dog


With each behaviour we will increase duration, distance and distractions, to help you and your dog cope with any situation life throws at you.


Dogs of all ages are welcome on this course. Some dogs will present behaviours associated with adolescence, even if they are no longer an adelescent dog (approximately 6 months to 2 years old).


The next start date is:


Saturday 25th January at 12pm

Dog Portrait
Advanced Life Skills
6 Week Course (£125)


This 6 week course for any clients who have completed the Puppy or Teenage Course and would like to continue their training journey.


We will focus on adding duration, distance and distractions to previously taught behaviours, plus learning more advanced training techniques like heel, back-up, emergency down.


By the end of this course your dog will be looking at you for guidance instead of ignoring you.



The next start date is:


New Date TBC

Dobby agility.jpg
Agility Classes

Agility classes at Shropshire Dog Training Centre are held in a full size outdoor paddock with floodlights in summer and a smaller indoor arena in the winter.


Available Classes

Weekly - Wednesdays at 10am


Book a Private 1/2hr Session Today​

Gun Dog Classes

These classes are for any breed of dog over 6 months old.


In these classes we work on whistle training, steadiness, quartering, retrieving, following directions, developing memory, distance work, amongst other things.


Whether you are planning to take part in gundog work or not, this class will increase your dog’s impulse control and focus on you, giving you greater control.


This class is not limited to working breeds only.


Available Classes


Fortnightly - Sundays at 10am


Please message for more information or book a Private 1/2hr Session now.

Rally Obedience Classes

Rally-obedience (or rally-O) is one of the newest dog sports to be recognised by the Kennel Club and is aimed at people wanting to teach their dog new skills in a fun way and unlike agility, handlers of all ages and abilities can take part.


Attending rally classes can help to improve handler-dog communication and can increase your dog’s focus and attention levels.


See the following link for more information on rally obedience:


What is Rally Obedience?


Available Classes 


Fortnightly - Sundays at 11.30am


Book a Private 1/2hr Session today

Doggie Socials (£10 per dog)


- Run by a qualified dog trainer

- Small numbers

- In a safe, secure paddock

- Lots of space if your dog needs a break from the other dogs

- Dogs over 6 months old are welcome


Socials run every Friday at 10-11am


Private Classes

If group training is not for you, or you want to try it out on your own first, sign up to a private dog sports training session.


For more information please contact us:




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Berriewood Farm, Condover, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY5 7NN




Once you have turned into Berriewood Farm off the main road, take a RIGHT at the T-junction. We are located 200yds down the track, on the corner paddock.


© 2016 Shropshire Dog Training Centre

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