Teenage Course - £135* per dog
In this 6 week course for teenage dogs we cover:
Sit and stay
Loose-lead walking and "heel"
"Leave it"
Focus on handler
Socialisation with other dogs
Improve communication between you and your dog
With each behaviour we will increase duration, distance and distractions, to help you and your dog cope with any situation life throws at you.
Dogs of all ages are welcome on this course. Some dogs will present behaviours associated with adolescence, even if they are no longer an adelescent dog (approximately 6 months to 2 years old).
Please keep your dog on lead at all times and don't enter the paddock until instructed. Thank you!
*Unfortunately we are unable to offer refunds if you change your mind or are unable to attend a class. In this instance, we will attempt to change you onto an alternative date.
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